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React Intersection Observer With Tailwind and Next.js


React Intersection observer for animate on scroll behavior

To add a cool animation that is triggered when you scroll up to a component, you can use the Intersection Observer API.

For React, there is a package called react-intersection-observer that implements the Intersection Observer API. This package can be used to indicate when a component enters or leaves the viewport, and offers several options for configuring the component, which are listed on the documentation.

There are a lot of options, listed on the documentation, to configure the React Intersection Observer component.

These are the ones I’ve found the most useful:

  • threshold = {1} animate when the component comes into view completely
  • triggerOnce only trigger the animation once

React Intersection observer with tailwindCSS

To style the website, I used the popular CSS framework, TailwindCSS. For animations, I chose a package that complements the rest of my style system, tailwindcss-animate, which is a Tailwind plugin that provides basic animations as Tailwind classes. This allows animations to be added to components using the className property.

To apply the animation classes when the component comes into view, I’ve used the inView argument.

This is what the code looks like so far

<InView triggerOnce threshold={1}>
  {({ inView, ref, entry }) => (
    <div ref={ref} className={inView ? classNameInView : classNameNotInView}>

Intersection observer for Next.js app directory

To ensure compliance with Next.js app directory guidelines, I had to work a bit. The Intersection Observer code needs to be in a client component because it uses the client's viewport state. The Next.js app directory philosophy is that everything that can be in a server component, should be in a server component. However, we can pass a server component to a child component as a children.


Here's the final code for animation on scroll in Next.js app directory:

"use client"
import { InView } from "react-intersection-observer"
export default function AnimationOnScroll({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode
  classNameInView: string
  classNameNotInView: string
}) {
  return (
    <InView triggerOnce threshold={1}>
      {({ inView, ref, entry }) => (
          className={inView ? classNameInView : classNameNotInView}

This will give you a great animation effect that is triggered when the component comes into view, using React Intersection Observer and Tailwind in a Next.js app directory.