Choose a capitalization style for variables, functions, and other identifiers, and adhere to it throughout your codebase. Consistency improves code readability.
Avoid duplicating the same information in multiple places. The DRY principle encourages developers to eliminate code duplication by abstracting functionality.
Learn how to write clear and concise code by avoiding unnecessary repetition of context in variable names. Enhance code readability and maintainability.
Discover how to encapsulate conditionals for clearer code. Extract expressions into functions with meaningful names to improve readability and simplify logic.
Discover the Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) and its role in building reliable software. Guarantee seamless substitution of parent and child classes.
Discover how the Dependency Inversion Principle improves code maintainability and modularity by relying on abstractions and inverting control of dependencies.
Follow best practices and adhere to the single responsibility principle by not using flags as function parameters. Improve code comprehension and modularity.
Learn the importance of using pronounceable names in your code. Discover how it improves communication and enhances code readability and maintainability.
Do you want to make your code super flexible and easy to change? Composition might be the way to go! In this post, we'll learn about the difference between composition and inheritance and figure out which one is best for different situations.